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A Specialized Knowledge Base for Teaching American Indian and Alaska Native Students
This paper outlines a knowledge base that can be adopted by beginning teachers of American Indian and Alaska Native students. This knowledge base is above and beyond what is now in most mainstream teacher education programs.
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
The curriculum resources on this website are intended to help teachers and students make the connection between the knowledge, skills and ways of knowing used to maintain a livelihood in the villages, and the knowledge, skills and cultural standards for teaching/learning reflected in the school curriculum.
American Association of University Women
The AAUW is not your grandmother's AAUW: it now focuses much of its efforts on educational equity, following its landmark publication in 1992 of How Schools Shortchange Girls, that remains controversial and a target of the right although it merely summarized over 1100 previous research studies. Their sites is full of analysis and research briefs, and they provide a large amount of scholarships and awards, including the Eleanor Roosevelt Teacher Fellowships for teachers working on gender equity projects.
BICS versus CALPS in English Language Learners
This provides a concise explanation of the difference between BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) and CALPS (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills), the knowledge of which is central to an understanding of how vitally important it is to the cognitive development of non-English speaking students to receive at least some instruction in their native language as they learn English. Underscores how damaging the ?English only? movement is to the future of Limited English Proficient children.
Campbell-Kibler Associates
Yet another extraordinary gender equity trainer is Pat Campbell of Campbell-Kibler Associates, especially in the area of gender equity in math, science, and technology. Her excellent website has a remarkably large number of free and "user friendly" (in her words - and she is right!) brochures and pamphlets that you may download and use.
Can Do!
The Can Do! web site offers stories, activities, and resources to help create a better understanding and deeper appreciation of how people can overcome their challenges and reach their dreams by using their abilities and a "can-do" attitude.
Center for Gifted Education Policy
The Center for Gifted Education Policy is run by the American Psychological Association and conducts research and advocacy work to inform educational policy on Gifted and Talented youth. They also have a newsletter, a journal, and a listserv.
Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence
CREDE conducts research and provide information dissemination on issues of the education of linguistic minority students. One particular concern is the assessment of such students.
Circle of Inclusion
For families and early childhood educators with a great deal of information about effective and best practices of inclusion and accommodations for special needs children. Includes free materials to download and links to other resources.
Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, the premiere organization to assist children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, has back issues of its journal, "Beyond Behavior", available free on its site at http://www.ccbd.net/beyondbehavior/.
Differentiated Instruction
CAST is well known in the Special Education world (see SPED references in section below), and is especially worth checking out for their work on assistive technology. Here is an excellent overview of classroom best practices in Differentiated Instruction.
Differentiated Instruction
This Teach-Nology site for educators has links to a good number of ERIC research articles on Differentiated Instruction.
Educating Jane
Educating Jane is a wonderful site full of thoughtfully-chosen resources and other information. Has an excellent section on women in history.
Educational Justice
The Justice Matters Institute sponsors Educational Justice, a fantastic site of extensive research and annotated links on the gamut of educational equity issues, including how equity plays out in whole school reform efforts. Research-based strategies and online discussion forums.
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
As mentioned above, the taxonomy of the Equity Portal was based on the excellent work done by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse. Their site deserves another mention here, and particularly this page of a fantastic collection of self-assessment on equity.
Exemplary and Promising Gender Equity Programs 2000
This well-researched report provides reviews of an exemplary other promising gender equity programs in a variety of subfields including gender equity in math, science, and technology and in career education.
FairTest, otherwise known as the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, is the only national watchdog group as alarmed as the rest of us with the overuse and misuse of standardized testing. The site has research on how standardized tests are biases on the basis of gender, race, class, and cultural difference.
Gender Equity in the Classroom: Viewing Guide
A remarkable free equity resource is the Viewing Guide, written by notable gender equity experts David Sadker and Phyllis Learner, for their Gender Equity in the Classroom video. The video is also available for purchase at this site.
Gregorc Associates, INC.
A learning styles model that some teachers find easier to learn and apply to the classroom since there are fewer types than the Myers-Briggs model. Assessment tools help define your thinking modality along two continuums: abstract to concrete thought, and random to sequential.
How Girls Hurt
An article from the American School Board's Journal about how girls use covert aggression against one another.
How Negative Expectancies and Attitudes Undermine Females'Math Confidence and Performance: A Review of the Literature by Jennifer Gutbezah
A good survey of a number of articles on factors that affect girl's discouragement at math in High School may be found by Jennifer Gutbezahl in "How Negative Expectancies and Attitudes Undermine Females' Math Confidence and Performance: A Review of the Literature._ .
Learning Disabilities Online
Leading site recommended by experts for educators and parents on learning disabilities. One may ask questions about learning disabilities through the site and get an answer electronically from an LD expert.
Math Ability: Nature verses Nurture
Good Discussion and criticism of math gene hypothesis of Benbow and Stanley by an undergraduate student, Louise Anderson (Fall 1999) called "Math Ability: Nature verses Nurture,_ from the ERIC/CSMEE database (article ED 380 279). CSMEE is the Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
MALDEFs National Education Policy Forums engages parents, educators, policy makers, community and business leaders, in the discussion and advocacy of current educational issues. Their National Parent/School Partnership Program teaches parent their rights and responsibilities under the law, about the structure and function of schools, about effective relationships with teachers, and provides valuable leadership training to parents.
Mid-Atlantic Equity Center
The Equity Assistance Centers with the greatest amount of useful information is probably the Mid-Atlantic Equity Center http://www.maec.org Although funded to provide equity-related services to states in the mid-Atlantic region (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, and WV) their "Education and Equity News" has many articles on national issues. To subscribe send a message to [email protected] stating on the subject line: subscribe ed-news and your e-mail address (e.g., subscribe ed-news [email protected].).
Multicultural Pavilion - Teacher's Corner
A comprehensive site of useful classroom activities, books, quotes, and discussions on multicultural education.
Myra Sadker Advocates for Gender Equity
David Sadker, along with his late wife Myra, are the undisputable King and Queen of research on gender equity in education in the 20th century. Of note on his website is an excellent survey and analysis of the recent bonanza of books about boys.
National Association for Gifted Children
NAGC is an organization of parents, teachers, educators, community leaders and others who are concerned with providing the best educational and life experiences for children who are identified as Gifted and Talented. They have added a useful feature to their site: a "Parent Resource Specialist_ who will respond electronically to your questions and concerns about providing appropriate services to Gifted and Talented children.
National Research Center on Gifted and Talented
The National Research Center on Gifted and Talented, run by noted expert and author Joseph Renzulli (see his book on ?curriculum compacting,? among others) has a huge number of links and resources, including their newsletter. The ?Big Red Notebook? is a compilation of resource material on the full-range of issues for Gifted and Talented education and is available as a free download from the site.
National Women's Law Center
The National Women's Law Center's section on Education has many policy briefings and texts of Congressional testimonies on issues of females and education, especially on Title IX, and has special sections on sports, sexual harassment, single-sex schooling, career education, and overall gender equity in educational achievement.
Office for Civil Rights
The Office for Civil Rights is the main governmental office for the enforcement of Civil Rights laws, such as those that protect us against discrimination based on race, national origin (commonly understood as language) and sex. They have the power to withhold funds to schools and school districts who do not comply with Civil Rights laws, although to date they have not withhold funds from any violator.
SEED Project
The SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Project in Inclusive Curriculum provides resources to set up powerful roundtable, book study groups of teachers who wish to transform the (still) largely White Male curriculum. Peggy McIntosh developed the SEED project through the Wellesley Center for Research on Women (www.wellesley.edu) and is the author of "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack._ Short, powerful, and easily readable, her 1989 article has centered our thinking about race (and other variables) on the notion of "privilege_ like nothing else.
Teaching For Change
Probably the best catalog for overall equity and social justice issues in education is put out by Teaching for Change. Beyond Heroes and Holidays in a "must-have_ for both inservice and preservice work on gender-fair and multicultural education that moves beyond celebrating the "Three F's_: Food, Fun, and Festival, and focuses on undoing racism and oppression.
Teaching in mixed-ability classrooms
A good "first article_ on differentiated instruction, first developed as a method to effectively reach all children in heterogeneous, mixed-ability classrooms, then later co-opted as a "best practice_ in the worlds of Special Education and Gifted and Talented education.
Teaching Tolerance
Teaching Tolerance serves as a clearinghouse of information about anti-bias programs and activities being implemented in schools across the country.
The Association for the Severely Handicapped
TASH is an international association of people with disabilities, their family members, other advocates, and professionals fighting for a society in which inclusion of all people in all aspects of society is the norm.? This site was recommended by Special Education experts for its Methods and Practices section. Information is available on its provocative newsletter, Connections, that consistently challenges any hesitancy about the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the classroom and in the greater society.
The Diversity Bookmarks Collection
This list of Bookmarks was developed over the course of two years and represents hundreds of hours of research and web surfing on the part of its author. It includes most of the major web addresses which should be of special interest to bilingual and ESL educators and others interested in issues of educational equity and diversity.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children
NAEYC describes itself as the nation's largest and most influential organization of early childhood educators. Although a bit dated, every equity researcher and inservice and preservice teacher should have a copy of the Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children by Louise Derman-Sparks, full of research and strategies, available through NAEYC's website for an incredible $12.00!.
The National Coalition for Equity in Education
The National Coalition for Equity in Education employs structures such as Personal Experience Panels and dyads that get to the deepest emotional-psychological experiences of prejudice and discrimination, and healing the pain of racism and other forms of oppression through expression of feelings and personal reflections. For more information contact Julian Weissglass, Professor of Mathematics now housed in the education department at UCSB at [email protected].
Weaving Gender Equity into Math Reform
One of the best articles summarizing best practices for addressing the persistent problem in math education -- even when we get girls to take math classes in numbers close to those of boys substantially fewer girls choose math-related college majors and careers. Article has been effectively used in teacher study groups for professional development.
WEEA Equity Resource Center
WEEA (Women's Educational Equity Act) is the only Federal legislation devoted to issues of girls' and women's' education. Although it had received much more substantial funding to do outreach and fund small-scale research projects around the country, in the 1990s it was scaled back to only a clearinghouse of information.