Language / National Origin
A Critical Bibliography on North American Indians
This bibliography, compiled by the Anthropology Outreach Office of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, is a response to teachers' concerns about choosing culturally sensitive and historically accurate books for children about American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Aboriginal Youth Network
The Aboriginal Youth Network is a network that runs across Canada (and beyond) connecting all Aboriginal youth. They are operated totally for and by Aboriginal youth.The job of the AYN staff is to get the word out about health, education and employment opportunities for Aboriginal youth, as well as provide the latest news and events happening across Canada.
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
The curriculum resources on this website are intended to help teachers and students make the connection between the knowledge, skills and ways of knowing used to maintain a livelihood in the villages, and the knowledge, skills and cultural standards for teaching/learning reflected in the school curriculum.
Alaska Native Knowledge Network
The Alaska Native Knowledge Network (ANKN) is designed to serve as a resource for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing. It was established to assist Native people, government agencies, educators and the general public in gaining access to the knowledge base that Alaska Natives have acquired through cumulative experience over millennia.
American Indian Science and Engineering Society
The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) is a national, nonprofit organization which nurtures building of community by bridging science and technology with traditional Native values.
American Indian/Indigenous Education Resources
A list of books, articles and programs related to teaching American Indian and Indigenous students.
BICS versus CALPS in English Language Learners
This provides a concise explanation of the difference between BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) and CALPS (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills), the knowledge of which is central to an understanding of how vitally important it is to the cognitive development of non-English speaking students to receive at least some instruction in their native language as they learn English. Underscores how damaging the ?English only? movement is to the future of Limited English Proficient children.
Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence
CREDE is a federally funded research and development program focused on improving the education of students whose ability to reach their potential is challenged by language or cultural barriers, race, geographic location, or poverty.
Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence
CREDE conducts research and provide information dissemination on issues of the education of linguistic minority students. One particular concern is the assessment of such students.
Circle of Inclusion
For families and early childhood educators with a great deal of information about effective and best practices of inclusion and accommodations for special needs children. Includes free materials to download and links to other resources.
Circle of Stories
Circle of Stories uses documentary film, photography, artwork, and music to honor and explore Native American storytelling.
Curriculum Development for Native American Students
A guide to developing culturally sensitive curriculum .. especially for Native American students.
Equity Benchmarks for VT
To facilitate the implementation of equitable learning environments in Vermont, the VISMT Equity Advisory Committee developed Benchmarks for schools and districts.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education
A collection of resources related to American Indians and Alaska Natives, Mexican Americans, Migrants, and Outdoor Education.
Family Literacy for Language Minority Families: Issues for Program Implementation
This on-line article is included in the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCLEA) website. Topics addressed include the role of the family in children�s learning, barriers to family involvement, and Project Flame: A family literacy project for Latinos.
Impact of Two-Way Bilingual Programs
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence that participation in a two-way bilingual elementary program has had on former program participants' language and achievement outcomes; current schooling path and college plans; and attitudes toward school, self, and others. Study participants were current high school students who were enrolled in a two-way program throughout elementary school.
Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans
Reports and articles from a White House Commission created to study educational issues related to Hispanics in the United States.
National American Indian Heritage Resources
Resources related to history of American Indians. Includes photographs, virtual journeys, stories and lessons.
Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement & Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (OELA)
Now that programs for English language learners are funded out of Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act, virtually all of the existing programs for language minority students are no longer active. This site should be periodically checked for new programs as they are developed.
Teaching Tolerance
Teaching Tolerance serves as a clearinghouse of information about anti-bias programs and activities being implemented in schools across the country.
The Diversity Bookmarks Collection
This list of Bookmarks was developed over the course of two years and represents hundreds of hours of research and web surfing on the part of its author. It includes most of the major web addresses which should be of special interest to bilingual and ESL educators and others interested in issues of educational equity and diversity.