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  • Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
    CAST is a not-for-profit organization that uses technology to expand opportunities for all people, especially those with disabilities. Information about universal design and accessible curriculum.
  • Equity and Diversity
    Resources for educators to learn about equity. Includes assessment instrument, case stories, journal articles and additional resources.
  • 4000 Years of Women in Science
    This site lists over 125 names of women from our scientific and technical past.This site grew out of the public talks given by Dr. Sethanne Howard, currently with the National Science Foundation.
  • Ableza: Tips for Teachers
    Tips for Teachers: A list of things for teachers to remember when they are teaching about Native Americans.
  • American Indian/Indigenous Education Resources
    A list of books, articles and programs related to teaching American Indian and Indigenous students.
  • Center for Family Involvement in Schools
    The Center for Family Involvement in Schools provides equity-focused professional development programs and resources that strengthen family-school-community partnerships and encourage and support the academic, intellectual and social development of all children.
  • Collaboration for Equity
    This website seeks to ensure that efforts to reform math and science education improve quality for all while decreasing the historical gaps in participation and performance of girls and women. Resources include checklist, vignettes, bibliography and booklets.
  • Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
    Website is a database of 86 20th century women who have made important contributions to physics.
  • Curriculum Development for Native American Students
    A guide to developing culturally sensitive curriculum .. especially for Native American students.
  • Design Your Future
    This website is designed to encourage girls to explore careers related to science, math and technology. Site contains e-mentoring, information about working women, and more.
  • Diversity Within Unity
    This document identifies 12 essential principles for teaching and learning in a multicultural society. Also included is a checklist for assessing the principles.
  • Equity Benchmarks for VT
    To facilitate the implementation of equitable learning environments in Vermont, the VISMT Equity Advisory Committee developed Benchmarks for schools and districts.
  • Gauging the Gender Gap Online
    Compares Internet use by men and women.
  • How Girls Hurt
    An article from the American School Board's Journal about how girls use covert aggression against one another.
  • Imaginary Lines
    A collection of "did you know?" facts about girls and science.
  • Kids at Risk - Kids and Learning
    On-line resources to assist educators with at-risk children.
  • Media Education Foundation
    A collection of videotapes related to media, gender and diversity.
  • National Visionary Leadership Project
    A collection of first-person stories told by African Americans in order to preserve history and link generations.
  • Sorting by Sex: Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality
    Favorable review of Fausto-Sterling's latest book Sexing the Body in major science journal.
  • Soy Unica! Soy Latina!
    The _Soy Unica! _Soy Latina! project encourages cultural pride by emphasizing the strengths inherent in the Hispanic culture. Initiative materials include posters, activity books, brochures and a Web site for 9-14-year-old girls.
  • Teaching Tolerance
    Teaching Tolerance serves as a clearinghouse of information about anti-bias programs and activities being implemented in schools across the country.
  • Techbridge: Encouraging Girls in Technology web site
    This web site describes a technology program for girls that is hosted by Chabot Space & Science Center and funded by the National Science Foundation. The site offers resources and strategies to encourage girls in technology.
  • The Diversity Bookmarks Collection
    This list of Bookmarks was developed over the course of two years and represents hundreds of hours of research and web surfing on the part of its author. It includes most of the major web addresses which should be of special interest to bilingual and ESL educators and others interested in issues of educational equity and diversity.
  • What you can do to help GRRLS get into technology!
    All kinds of resources, mentoring programs, projects, and links for helping girls using science, math, technology, to cross that digital divide.
  • What's At Stake? Why Computers Matter to Your Child
    Information about how computers are being used and why learning about computers is important. Includes things that parents can do to help their children to experience computer-based learning.