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Any online service and/or assistance that functions either as an intermediary between the user and online data and information (e.g., an online question-and-answer service such as AskERIC) or as a non-intermediary service (e.g., an online service that monitors and reports on some aspect of education or other activities having an impact on education.)

  • 21st Century Schools
    It is the position of 21st Century Schools that the current educational system in the United States is in need of total restructuring. This restructuring must occur on all levels simultaneously, and cannot be accomplished with bits and pieces of reform here and there.
  • Aboriginal Youth Network
    The Aboriginal Youth Network is a network that runs across Canada (and beyond) connecting all Aboriginal youth. They are operated totally for and by Aboriginal youth.The job of the AYN staff is to get the word out about health, education and employment opportunities for Aboriginal youth, as well as provide the latest news and events happening across Canada.
  • Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering and Mathematics
    AWSEM is an after-school project designed to link middle school girls with role models. Girls meet for hands-on science activities, presentations and field trips.
  • Alaska Native Knowledge Network
    The Alaska Native Knowledge Network (ANKN) is designed to serve as a resource for compiling and exchanging information related to Alaska Native knowledge systems and ways of knowing. It was established to assist Native people, government agencies, educators and the general public in gaining access to the knowledge base that Alaska Natives have acquired through cumulative experience over millennia.
  • Association for Women in Computing
    The Association for Women in Computing is a non-profit professional organization for women and men who have an interest in information and technology and wish to advance women in the technology fields.
  • Association for Women in Science
    AWIS is dedicated to achieving equity and full participation for women in science, mathematics, engineering and technology. Website has information about a scientist of the month, mentoring, scholarships, book reviews and forum.
  • Center for Women and Information Technology
    Website contains numerous resources for increasing the number of women in technology.
  • Children's Grief Education Association
    The CGEA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the needs of grieving children and families and to providing education and support to those who serve them.
  • Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.,
    Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc., is the largest provider of trademarked tools to help teachers learn and work with Myers-Briggs learning styles in their classrooms. Materials for professional development and teacher training are available here.
  • Is The Physics Classroom any Place for Girls?
    "Is the Physics Classroom Any Place for Girls? The Gender Imbalance in Physics Education: How it Cam About and What Teachers Can Do About It,_ by Dean Baird (February 1997) is an extensive but very readable Masters Thesis survey of barriers to girl's involvement and motivation in physics courses and techniques to overcome it in the classroom. Cites extensive literature and includes surveys done by author.
  • Mid-Atlantic Equity Center
    The Equity Assistance Centers with the greatest amount of useful information is probably the Mid-Atlantic Equity Center Although funded to provide equity-related services to states in the mid-Atlantic region (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, and WV) their "Education and Equity News" has many articles on national issues. To subscribe send a message to [email protected] stating on the subject line: subscribe ed-news and your e-mail address (e.g., subscribe ed-news [email protected].).
  • Springer
    A global publisher, Springer is known and respected around the world for its wide range of scientific and professional publications. This website provides access to e-books, e-journals and an on-line journal archive.