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  • African Voices
    African Voices is an exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History that examines the diversity, dynamism, and global influence of Africa's peoples and cultures over time in the realms of family, work, community,and the natural environment.
  • Afro-American Almanac
    The AFRO-American Almanac is an on-line presentation of the African in America with a historical perspective of a nation, its people, and its cultural evolution. Various media are used for information presentation.
  • Black History Treasure Hunt & Quiz
    Centered around a 12-question quiz, this website encourages users to explore other Internet-based resources related to each question in order to try find the answer to each question.
  • Black Women in Mathematics
    Website contains the history of Black women in math, biographies, role models who are mathematicians and articles about Black women in math.
  • Teaching with Historic Places: American Indian History
    To celebrate American Indian Heritage and generate public appreciation for diverse cultures, Teaching with Historic Places has posted on the web the following lesson plans that consider important aspects of American Indian history.